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Resources - Online Articles 
Date | Description |
10/2005 | David M. Cvet - Kromberk Castle and Goriško Museum (Slovenian Heraldry)
The Goriško Museum which is part of Kromberk Castle contains an extensive collection of heraldic artifacts, predominantly heraldic stonework sourced from the region surrounding Nova Gorica (the west side of Slovenia). The most interesting artifact is a little known artifact resident in the castle is an armorial published in 1857 - 1858 by an author who's only clue are the initials "O.T.V.H.". It is suggested that the initials are those of Otto Titan von Hefner, a relatively famous herald who also published "J. Siebmacher's grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch" in 1856. |
05/2005 | David M. Cvet - Ljubljana Castle (Slovenian Heraldry)
The Ljubljana Castle, located in Ljubljana, the capital city of Slovenia, possesses one of the most remarkable heraldic displays in the country. The walls of the Chapel of St. George are covered with the coats of arms of the provincial governors of Carniola (the area is now part of Slovenia), originally painted in 1747. |
02/2005 | David M. Cvet - Chronicle of the Dismas Fraternity in Ljubljana, 1689 - 1801 (Slovenian Heraldry)
The Chronicle of the Dismas Fraternity in Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1689 - 1801 contains illustrations of the coats of arms of its members of the Fraternity centred in Ljubljana (the capital city of Slovenia). The society was formed by Sir Wolf Sigmund von Kunpach and Sir Franz Jakob von Erberg to preserve Christian faith and to encourage noble and honest virtues. The armorial bearings possessed by the members are beautifully illustrated, often with puns embedded in the devices employed. |
02/2005 | David M. Cvet - Opus Insignium Armorumque 1687 - 1688 Das Grosse Wappenbuch (Slovenian Heraldry)
One of the most important works produced by a herald is a roll of arms or armory depicting the coats of arms of notable individuals, organizations, nobility and sometimes, the armory would include civic arms. In Slovenia, such an armory exists in the form of a book entitled "Heraldic Insignia and Devices" or "Opus Insignium Armorumque" containing an archive of 2041 fabulous paintings of coats of arms covering the notable families in the regions of Slovenia produced from the historically significant Janez Valvasor. The article includes a portrait of Valvasor captured from the ceiling of the Narodni muzej Slovenije - Slovenian National Museum. |
01/2005 | Tudor-Radu Tiron - Romanian Personal Heraldry
A fascinating account describing the relatively volatile evolution and development of personal heraldry in Romania centered between the 17th and 19th centuries, highlighting key Ottoman, Austrian, Turks, Roman and Russian influences. |
02/2004 | François Velde - Jewish Heraldry
Jews in Europe used heraldry, like everyone else. Indeed, it is a striking counter-example to the misconception that heraldry was ever the preserve of the nobility or the knights, that Jews have been using coats of arms as far back as the 14th century, not only privately but also in their official dealings with Gentiles (e.g., seals on legal documents). |
08/2003 | Cecil R. Humphery-Smith, AIH, FSA, FHS - Origins of Cadency
An examination on distinguishing between "cadency" and "differencing". By the latter I mean often substantial changes in the colours or design of a particular coat to distinguish one person from another who may be related by blood, feudal, or other ties or other associations; by the former I intend to refer to the distinctions between fraternal kin. Differencing followed a variety of methods in the Middle Ages. |
06/2003 | Michael Waas - Different customs - German vs. English heraldry
A comparison study to address some of the misinterpretations of German heraldry, and a close examination of the differences between German and English heraldry, including the difference in the usage of the lozenge shields and supporters. |
06/2003 | British Ancestry - Medieval Treatises on Heraldry
There is a general belief that Western European heraldry began in the Flemish Anglo-Norman arena towards the end of the 12th century, though there is considerable evidence of what some have termed proto-heraldry for a century or so beforehand, deriving in turn from battle standards going back into the dark ages and Roman times.. |
04/2002 | Dr. Murray Lee Eiland - Introduction to Islamic Heraldry
A challenging study in the description and clarification of the tradition of heraldry in the Islamic world, where there are no supporting documentation, authorities, archives and roll of arms. |
01/2001 | Mike Males - An Armorial of Zimbabwe and Rhodesia - with forward by J.P. Brooke-Little
Published by: Heraldry and Genealogy Society of Zimbabwe, 2001, containing 141 pages in PDF format, hosted on The Society for Heraldic Arts website, contains brief biographical details of armigers living in that part of the world, many of them ex-patriots, with the blazon of their arms and an illustration of each in colour . |