Membership Benefits
Membership is open to everyone upon payment of the appropriate fee, for which a receipt for income tax purposes will be issued. The RHSC is registered as a charity under the Income Tax Act to receive fees, donations and bequests for the preservation and furtherance of Canada's heraldic heritage.
While some of our members have coats of arms, many do not and it is by no means a requirement for membership. Also, it is not necessary to be a Canadian citizen, given a number of our members are from outside Canada.
- Heraldry in Canada - this journal is the only Canadian periodical devoted to heraldic matters. It contains articles by leading heraldic experts as well as commentary on events of heraldic interest in Canada. It is recognized as one of the most interesting and authoritative heraldic publications in the world.
- Gonfanon - the Society's newsletter provides information on the activities of the Society and its Branches, as well as heraldic news in a less academic vein.
Other Membership Benefits
- Private email group - an online electronic email list entitled "Canadian Heraldry / L'héraldique du Canada" which facilitates the communications, sharing of documents and images within the members of the Society. The elist is closed to the public internet and is available to Society members only.
- Branch Membership - RHSC members are eligible to join a branch of the RHSC, of which at present there are seven. Branches often have regular programs which include such events as illustrated talks, tours, field trips and sharing of personal heraldic artifacts. Each Branch also issues their own version of a branch newsletter containing information relevent to their branch members.
- Library - The Society possesses a fine (and unique) collection of heraldic books, donated or bequeathed by members. To make these valuable books more available to the membership, they have been donated to the Library of the Canadian National Archives, from which they will be available to members via the National Inter-Library Loan System. Once cataloguing is complete, a list of all these books will be posted on this website.
- Online Library & Resources - Members will have access to the Society's extensive online library and resources, including numerous publications, papers and books available for research, study and perusal online within the members only area of this website.
- Heraldic Proficiency Courses - The Society, through its Chief Examiner, conducts courses for home study at three progressive levels, the third qualifying the successful candidate as a Licentiate of the Royal Heraldry Society of Canada.
- Heraldic Merchandise - books and other printed matter, back issues of Heraldry in Canada, as well as personal items such as RHSC pins and ties, are maintained. A catalogue is available upon request.
- Socials and Networking - The Society has numerous social events throughout the year, both nationally and locally providing members great opportunities to network with individuals that they would otherwise have no chance to meet outside the Society. Membership is comprised of individuals from business, government, military, academic and private individuals from across the country and occassionally, internationally including a number of the world's experts on the subject of heraldry.

In order to apply for membership in the Royal Heraldry Society of Canada and a Branch, please print out and fill out this application form and mail cheque/money order to the address indicated on the form.